Bonnie CTC
Owner, Certified Trainer, Dog Behaviour Consultant, Instructor
Bonnie, the owner and head instructor/trainer is a force-free, reward-based dog training professional, who brings knowledge and experience working with shelter dogs and pet dogs to advance other’s understanding of pet dog behaviour.
Bonnie earned her CTC (Certificate in Training and Counselling) from a distinguished, international leader, Jean Donaldson at the Academy for Dog Trainers
To further her understanding of scent detection for pet dogs, Bonnie studied with NACSW, (National Association of Canine Scent Work) founders and is a certified CNWI (Certified NoseWork Instructor) with 8 years experience teaching Nose Work.
For over 25 years, Bonnie has volunteered with the BC SPCA, helping shelter dogs to be adopted. She also volunteers with dogs at Surrey Animal Resource Centre and Delta Community Animal Shelter.
At the University of British Columbia, Bonnie received a Bachelor’s Degree in Physical Education, with a secondary focus in Animal Behaviour, Psychology, and Ecology.
As an educator for 34 years with the Surrey School District, she is a skilled presenter with a passion for teaching.
Her spare time is spent with family, friends, and two dogs:
Dixie, (Border Collie mix)
Hamish. (Lab/Golden)
Graduate of the Academy for Dog Trainers, known as "The Harvard of Dog Training." August 2017.
Certified Canine Nose Work Instructor, July, 2018.
Family Dog Mediator 2021
Fear Free Professional 2023
Association For Professional Dog Training International Conference, Riverside CA. 2024
Pet Professional Guild Summit - 2018 Utah, 2020 virtual, 2024 virtual
Aggression in Dogs - a 2-day seminar with Michael Shikashio, Langley BC. 2024
NACSW Enhanced Education - virtual conference 2020, 2024.
Bachelor of Physical Education and Teaching Diploma, University of British Columbia
Certified Teacher of English as a Second Language - University of British Columbia and Surrey School District
Pet Professional Guild Canine Training Professional
Certified Behaviour Adjustment Dog Training Instructor - BAT 2.0, 2017, 2024.
Clicker Expo, Seattle 2019, Portland 2017
Dr. Susan Friedman, Living and Learning with Animals, 2017 Seattle
Teaching Experience:
Elementary School Educator- 34 years with the Surrey School District.
Previously a Faculty member at Langara College, Vancouver, teaching Advanced Dog Behaviour & Co-operative Dog Training
Private client Dog Training and Dog Behaviour Consultant for more than 10 years
Group training classes starting in 2008
Experience with Dogs:
More than 20 years of experience working with shelter dogs at the BC SPCA.
In-home training with foster dogs, for a variety of behaviour problems
A lifetime of living with dogs.
Teaching & competing in NoseWork for more than 15 years
Teaching children at BC SPCA Kids' Camps
About Training Methods
At this time, dog training is an unregulated profession. Selecting the right dog trainer is an important decision. Scientists, rescue & veterinary organizations agree that reward-based training is the safest & most effective way to train dogs. Training using aversives such as pain, loud noises, choking, prongs & electric collars, may provide"quick fixes" but carries the risk of causing irreversible fear and/or aggression. Permanently changing behaviour takes time. The benefit of training with food and other rewards is that dogs are happy, more confident, have a nice bond with their people & enjoy learning. It is important to choose your trainer carefully.